My name is Doris Tislar.
I was born in 1993. I grew up in a small village with my brother and parents. My childhood was filled with playful days, creative ideas and a lot of books. I love stories. I love to dive into them, learn from them and live through them. It makes me feel alive. I am very curious about people and their personalities. Luckily I am a very social person so I can observe freely. I am also passionate about different bodies and movement- how it is connected to our psychology. I do yoga, acrobatics, stage fight and other training methods daily to keep myself fit and to explore my limits and strenght. Every person is unique and that is what makes us so interesting.
Growing my own vegetables, herbs and all sorts of plants is the best way to charge my creativity. It helps to really get in touch with life itself, to learn from it and digging keeps you strong. I am very lucky to live in such a country that still has so much untouched land. Living with nature is as important as breathing. We are nature- not many people nowadays are admitting it.
After high school I moved to Sweden to study acting. I have travelled a lot because of work and also just because I am curious. It is very expanding to see and feel different cultures, the way people live and how the landscapes differ. I love languages and that is also why I am interested in working and creating with different nationalities. It gives me something I never get by just staying still.
If you are interested in my previous work then my CV is available to download just here below.
Estonian native language
English fluent
Swedish advanced
French advanced
Russian intermediate
Download CV here:




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"Hinge paljastamine ekraanil"